Home / Et Cetera / Open Source Software / Hayward's Free Intranet Photo Directory
Hayward's Free Intranet Employee Photo Directory is the world's first open source employee photo directory, and is free software, made available to you under your choice of the
MIT and
v3 licenses. It is an Ajax application powered by
Django on the backend and
jQuery on the front.
View on GitHub.
It includes:
- Ajax design intended to crowdsource information from within your employees.
- Search by name, skill, department, title, and tagging.
- Status updates.
- Local time clock for people and organizations who are not in the visitor's time zone.
- A simple, powerful, usable, unobtrusive user interface and a good user experience.
You are invited to download the Django project:
Home / Et Cetera / Open Source Software / Hayward's Free Intranet Photo Directory