
There are a number of people who helped make this website possible. I'd like to thank:

  • Steve Adams for invaluable help in getting hovering JavaScript menus to work.
  • My family, for supporting me as I've been working on this.
  • Anthony Trendl, who encouraged and convinced me to revamp my website the first time.
  • Innes Sheridan, Lester Barker, and Michael Rascia, who took various pictures for my site.
  • IMSA, which was a cool experience, and which hosted my writings for several years.
  • All of the people who have given me awards, or who have taken precious time out of their lives to evaluate my site (even if they didn't give me an award).
  • Tamuril, for giving me the kick in the seat of the pants that I needed, by rejecting my application upgrade and saying in essence, "I've given you as many points as I can without you sprucing up your graphics more," and then offering help and feedback when I asked for it.
  • Those who have helped with my writing, including Suma Ramachandran (The Sign of the Grail).
  • Nicoletta, for suggestions for The Angelic Letters.
  • All of my visitors:
    • Those who link to this website and let other people know about it.
    • Those who just visit—this site was made for you!