CJS Hayward in Under 99 Pages Review

CJS Hayward in Under 99 Pages
CJS Hayward
CJS Hayward Publications
$11.99 Hardcover/$5.99 Paper/$.99 Kindle

Anyone who has followed the spiritual writings of CJS Hayward well knows they are thought-provoking, lengthy productions designed to engage spiritual thinkers and audiences in intellectual discourse.

This is why CJS Hayward in Under 99 Pages represents a significant achievement, appealing to modern readers who may not have time or inclination for a tome of hundreds of pages, however relevant or intriguing they might be; but who will find this a fine synthesis of his works that touches on the highlights.

The attempt to consolidate so many trains of thought, literary, spiritual, and philosophical references, and intellectual discourse into such a diminutive work must have been daunting, given the length and breadth of Hayward's previous writings.

Those familiar with them might expect that the idea that the scope of these works could even begin to fit into 99 pages would be a task especially daunting (perhaps nearly impossible). And yet, Br. Christos achieves this goal, offering six chapters, an introduction, and an epilogue that touches upon the basic principles more heavily outlined in his previous works.

Readers who would gain an introduction to Christian Orthodoxy principles in general and Hayward's extensive reflections on it would do well to begin with CJS Hayward in Under 99 Pages. Its ability to capture audiences with discussions that are lively and contemporary makes it a top recommendation for book clubs interested in debates and discussions over spiritual concepts and analytical approaches:

"Where the reader only sees one question, an ancient reader saw at least two other questions that are invisible to the present reader. As well as the question of "How?" that evolution addresses, there is the question of "Why?" and "What function does it serve?" These two questions are very important, and are not even considered when people are only trying to work out the antagonism between creationism and evolutionism."

[Diane Donovan
Senior Reviewer
Midwest Book Review]